No, I am not referreing to Hemingway's book about Paris, but my own travelling library. We have been out for a tour with our van, and I did bring a few physical books with me. I used this tote bag from Charlie Byrne's excellent bookshop in Galway Ireland, as my moveable library.

So, what did I bring with me on the trip. I choose books from my own library, also on my TBR list.
Howard's End by E.M. Forster
Faust by Johan Wolfgang von Goethe
The World of Yesterday by Stefan Zweig
The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman
Min bokvärld by Kerstin Ekman
Report from the Interior by Paul Auster
Twelve Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson
Tychonium, experimentet by Jan Johannesson
Krysalis by John Trenhaile
We did shorten our trip due to bad weather, so I only finished two books; Paul Auster and Trenhaile.

Back home again, I will continue with this pile of books. However, there is Paris in July, so I will prioritise that challenge.
Second hand books
On our way home we stopped by a small village called Limmared. It is famous for having around 15 second hand shops of various qualities. You go from one shop to the next, quite fascinating. We managed to buy a few small things, and I also found a few nonfiction books that I found interesting. Mostly about Sweden historical men and women and their lives.
On the trip we also visited the birth house of Verner von Heidenstam in Olshammar. I recently read a biography, Ett hemligt liv (A Secret Life) by Martin Kylhammar about Verner von Heidenstam (a very famous Swedish national icon and author), and Kate Bang a Danish woman who had a relationship with him for 20 years. They were also living together, although discretely at the time. We are talking beginning of 20th century. It is a fascinating story of two intellectuals, falling in love and arranging their life as it suited them. Heidenstam was furthermore 30 years older than Bang. Not always easy, especially, since Heidenstam was a very famous person in Sweden. Kylhammar has made extensive research, and also managed to get never before privat correspondence from Kate Bang's family. Two fascinating lives, lived out in private for good and worse. I had mistaken his birthhouse for the house he built with Kate Bang, which is Övralid, situated on the other side of Lake Vättern. That visit has to be for another time. I was happy though to find one of his most famous books, Folkungaträdet, in one of the second hand shops.
A few bookish things on this quiet, but rather warm day, back at home.
It's a great idea to take along a traveling library on your trip. The Daily Stoic is a book I hope to read one of these days; so far, I've only read bits and pieces. Good luck with Paris in July!