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Advent Calendar - day 11

Second hand books

I love going to second hand shops. More and more people discover the pleasure of shopping there. It is exciting, since you never know what to find. An ordinary shop has a theme, a certain kind of goods, but here, you can find anything. Especially, when it comes to books.

Often there are even new books on the shelves. But, what I enjoy is when you find a rarity, a book that you probably cannot find in an ordinary book shop anymore. There might be classics, books you missed to read when you were younger, and thought you could not get hold of anymore. The shelves for nonfiction sometimes hide unique books on a theme you are interested in. I often find interesting historical books there.

In Sweden books are very expensive so to find a book in a second hand shop is a good deal. Are you a customer of second hand shops? In the English speaking world there seem to be a lot of thrift shops for books, alas, not so much in Sweden.

While in Ireland, earlier this year, I visited Charlie Byrne's Bookshop in Galway, which is said to be Ireland’s best-loved, independent bookshop. My review, and a list of the fantastic books I found, under the link.


Stephanie @ Bookfever
Dec 11, 2024

In Belgium there are some secondhand bookshops but the problem is finding books in English, since I read almost only in English. You have to get lucky sometimes and find some gems 🥰

Dec 12, 2024
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That is true. The same in Sweden. The secondhand shops usually also have an English section, although not very big, and mostly 'popular' books.

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