It was some time, since I looked at which books I save on my shelves. Last note was in January with the letter H. Meaning, authors last name starting on this letter. Due to lack of space, I only save fiction books that I really love. For nonfiction, I save most, but some of the go for recycling.

I combine the letters I and J since I only have three books for these two letters.
Two of the three books are nonfiction, and this is my favourite read for this year. Love in a Time of Hate, Art and Passion in the Shadow of War, 1929-39 by Florian Illies. A great book that looks at history through art and passion.
The other book is also very interesting, and is about one of Africa's explorer. Stanley, The Impossible Life of Africa's Greatest Explorer by Tim Jeal. I read this many years ago, it was published in 2007. For anyone interested in the great explorers and their lives. This is a thorough look at the, not always happy, life of Henry Stanley. Very interesting.
Why I did save this one, I am not entirely sure. Probably because of all the hype at the time. I don't think I will ever re-read it, but here it is. Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James. I don't think it needs an introduction.
I once had over 5,000 books in my house and now I'm down to a few shelves. If I add anything to my keeper shelves, I take something off. I find it pretty easy to do that at my age.