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German Literature Month

November is upon us and a lot of challenges. This is another one that I will follow. It is hosted by Lizzy Siddal and Caroline at Beauty is a Sleeping Cat. Head over to their websites for the rules. An extra feature this year is the focus on Franz Kafka since his centenary is celebrated this year. We can choose how we will approach him. Through his writings; fiction, letters and diaries, or by watching a movie or, what I am doing for the time being, a German/Austrian TV-series about his life.

The challenge has only one rule: what you read must have been originally written in German. The weeks are divided as follows: (my choices under each week)

Nov 1-7 Crime Week

I am trying to find a German crime author. I am especially fond of Nele Neuhaus and hope to find a book by her.

Nov 8-14 Read as You Please

Also Sprach Zarathustra - Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen by Friedrich Nietzsche (luckily my version is in Swedish)

Nov 15-21 Franz Kafka week

The Trial by Franz Kafka

Watching a tv-series of his life

Nov 22-30 Read as You Please

Frauen, die lesen, sind gefährlich und klug by Stefan Bollman (Women who read are dangerous and smart).

What are your plans for this exciting month?


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