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March Wrap-up

March has gone and we have now entered what should be the spring month here in Europe. Hopefully, we will go towards warmer weather and lots of colours when grass and spring flowers start to grow.

I had a notion I had only read one book in March, except the three I read the last three days. However, when I looked at my reading list I had managed to read nine books. Short memory in other words.

Four of them are nonfiction about shares, history and memoirs from Casanova.

Lauritzson, Ola - Aktier, 3 steg till ekonomiskt oberoende

Harrison, Dick - Tusen år i Uppåkra

Christensen, Inga - Vikingarna i det frankiska riket

Delon, Michel & Sajous D'Oria, Michèle - Casanova in Venice

Two of them fiction: about a cat and about two writers of which one is writing and one uses her name for the publishing. Kerstin Ekman in full swing.

Natsukawa, Sosuke - Katten som räddade böcker (The Cat Who Saved Books)

Ekman, Kerstin - Grand final i skojarbranchen

Three of them thrillers/mystery: two Agatha Christie and one Donna Leon.

Christie, Agatha - The Murder on the Links (audio)

Leon, Donna - Death at la Fenice (e-book)

Christie, Agatha - The Man in the Brown Suit (audio)

None of them really fits into the program I had envisaged for March. Since I am now travelling I have decided to reading books related to the places I have been visiting.

Aims for April

Salzburg and Zweig

I have already started with the travelling reading. To this purpose I bought two books by Stefan Zweig.

Messages From a Lost World, Europe on the Brink (Essays, speeches and articles)

The World of Yesterday, Memoirs of a European

More about the author and his books once I have read the books.

Venice and its famous visitors and authors

I have started a book about the history of this wonderful and magic city.

Venice and its Story by Thomas Okey

Many famous authors have been visiting and writing about Venice (Henry James, Lord Byron, Shelley, Hemingway and others, more about them later). I started by reading Donna Leon's thrillers set in Venice with chief inspector Brunetti. I hope to read all of them at some point. So far:

Death at La Fenice (read)

Death in a Strange Country (reading)

One of the most famous characters from Venice is Casanova. I found a small book in a museum:

Casanova in Venice by Delon, Michel & Sajous D'Oria, Michèle (a short extract from his memories, based on drawings made for various publications).

Hope you all had a good, and interesting reading month.

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3 Kommentare

03. Apr. 2023

I've read and enjoyed a couple of books by Stefan Zweig, so I hope you enjoy those. I like the idea of reading about the places you travel to. I always plan to do that but don't always follow through, so I'm going to use your post as inspiration to do it more often!

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10. Apr. 2023
Antwort an

Thank you Jeanie. I try to do it, but it does not always work out. It has now both for Zweig and Venice.

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03. Apr. 2023

That unknown member was me, Jeanie!

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