We have reached week 3 of Nonfiction November. This week is hosted by Liz at Adventures in reading, running and working from home and this week is all about pairing a nonfiction book with a fiction book.

Week 3 (11/11-11/15) Book Pairings: This week, pair up a nonfiction book with a fiction title. Maybe it's a historical novel and the real history in a nonfiction version, or a memoir and a novel, or a fiction book you’ve read and you would like recommendations for background reading. Or (because I’m doing this) two books on two different areas have chimed and have a link. You can be as creative as you like!
I always find this exercise rather difficult so let's see what I can come up with based on nonfiction books I have read this year.
One of the best nonfiction I read this year is Une été avec Homère by Sylvain Tesson. This is really not a difficult pairing because I will go with The Illiad by Homer.

Rivieran inom räckhåll, Med tåg till de bästa upplevelserna i södra Frankrike by Kristina Svensson och Maria Unde Westerberg/May. This is a practical book on how to go by train in Europe. This destination is the Riviera. Going by train being the theme, I came to think of Paul Theroux's excellent Riding the Iron Rooster about a train trip in China.

Another Swedish nonfiction about two of our famous authors Moa and Harry Martinsson. They had a relationship for some years and then became estranged. Vi drabbade samman med våra ödens hela bredd : författarparet Moa och Harry Martinson by Ebba Witt-Brattström. I pair it with one book for each of them. Mor gifter sig (My Mother Gets Married) by Moa Martinsson and Flowering Nettle by Harry Martinsson.

I leave it there, and I realised it was not that difficult at all.
Ah! Looks like you figured out another way for us to post with our username, without logging in. Neat!
Fun pairings! Here are mine: https://wordsandpeace.com/2024/11/11/nonfiction-november-2024-book-pairings/
Excellent pairings! Sorry I missed this one somehow, I have added it to the list on my post now, and thank you for taking part - Liz
I love to read books that center on trains.
Good work! Riding the Iron Rooster! I loved his travel books. https://hopewellslibraryoflife.wordpress.com/2024/11/14/nonfiction-november-2024-book-pairings-fiction-nonficiton/