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Nonfiction November - week 5

Week 5 of Nonfiction November is hosted by Lisa. She blogs about the books she’s read at Hopewell’s Public Library of Life. The question for week 5 is about the books we have been inspired by this month, and which we would like to have a closer look at.

Week 5 - New To My TBR: It’s been a month full of amazing nonfiction books! Which ones have made it onto your TBR? Be sure to link back to the original blogger who posted about that book!

I am hopeless of keeping track of who blogged about which books. This year I did a short list of books I am interested in, and even managed to note down the blogger who recommended them. For sure I have been inspired by many more of you, and I still have to read some of the blogs. November was a busy month for me, so I have not even managed to write anything about the books I have read. They will all be mentioned in my November Wrap-up.

What inspired me

I have to mention Stephanie at Bookfever11 specifically. She has a similar interest in history books as I have. She has recommended several historians that are her favourite authors of history. Mainly, she reads about Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Two areas of which I have read a few books this month, and am eager to read more about. Maybe I will become an expert one day. The link above is for her web-site, so you have to search for the nonfiction posts.

Galileo's Daughter by Dona Sobel - Marianne @ Let's Read (about the great man himself and his daughter).

Third Culture Kids by David D. Polloch & Ruth van Reken - Marianne @ Let's Read (about kids growing up abroad and how it effects them, good or bad?)

Packing My Library by Alberto Manguel - Kaggsy's Bookish Ramblings (About Alberto Manguel packing his 40.000 books library. A true Herculean task).

Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth by Reza Aslan (the true story of what really happened?) & Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman (how most of our decisions are made by our unconscious rather than conscous mind) & The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan (about what we eat, and what is good and bad for us) - Whatmeread

That was some of the nonfiction that inspired me to read more this month. I am happy to note that there are some books outside the history books.

I would like to thank Liz, Frances, Heather, Rebekah and Lisa for hosting this event. You must have had a very busy month, considering all the comments that have been going around. I was very busy this month, so did not have time to follow it as much as I would have liked. But the comments and posts are still there, so I will enjoy some more posts even in December.

I did manage to read four books, which is not bad considering the other two challenges I am following in November (NovNov and German Literature Month). All of them are about Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. They were all interesting and I learned a lot more about this time in history. Still continuing to read a few other books about the era.

Thank you all for your reviews and being an inspiration for other kind of books as well.

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